Monday, July 14, 2008

The holiest of days, Monday. The day we are closed.

The skate park is closed on Mondays. Good Christ in heaven, we are closed on Mondays.
Before I opened the skate park, I used to work for a self centered egotistical, foul mouthed, dope smoking, employee abusing philandering POS.
I was the Head Chef at his restaurant for many (9 to be exact) years. When I had enough, I gave the said owner 2 1/2 months notice that I was leaving.
I was fired the next day. I tried to go to the unemployment office, but he told them I left with out notice. Lost the next 2 appeals as well. Oh well, screw him. More on that later.
Anyway, being at the park 6 days a week makes for a very long week.
Between the kids, the idiots, the idiot kids and the adults that act like idiot kids, it is a very long week.
To those of you who call and complain and even yell at my daughter when she answers the phone, we are still closed on Monday.
After that long week, we have just 1 day to catch up laundry, maybe watch a movie, go shopping, sit quietly and make something nice for dinner.
Yes, I know it is cooler outside today than it was yesterday, yes I know it may rain. Sorry, I know the mean cops are out watching the streets on Mondays...
I have a life and things to do. I have kids that don't like being at the park 6 days a week either,
Get over it. If you wanted to come that bad, you should have came when we were open.
Don't break my balls cause you were too lazy to come out in the heat.
Okay? Okay.
See you Tuesday with $7 dollars. We open at 1:00.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


It doesn't seem too bad in the park today. Comparable to say, the surface of Venus, it is quite nice.
There have been 3 or 4 different kids come in today with their parents from out of town.
You can tell as the kids are shy and the parents want to yammer away about the best way to skate the ramps, and then say, 'we may come back later, Jr. here doesn't skate vert'.

The ramps at the park are on average about 5 feet high. a couple are lower, a couple are higher, but all are pretty mellow transitions.
Not to get too technical, we made the ramps with 7' radius for a mild transition for skaters from beginner to pro.
With this in mind it really irks the piss out of me when kids tell me, 'oh, I don't skate vert'!
Dudes, you probably have never seen vert in person! Much less in our park!
I wish I had the room for vert! It would be a blast!

I think I may go in to skate today. I started doing airs again yesterday and it feels good to free yourself from the constraints of gravity, if only for a moment.